
The Taylor series of the exponential function,
provides reasonable approximations to the function near zero: for example, with {\displaystyle T_3(x) = 1 + x + \frac{x^2}{2} + \frac{x^3}{6} } we get

Taylor polynomial T_3 in red

The quality of approximation not being spectacular, one can try to improve it by using rational functions instead of polynomials. In view of the identity
one can get {e^x\approx p(x)/p(-x)} with 老王v2.2.6. The improvement is substantial for negative {x}:

Rational approximation based on exp(x/2)

Having rational approximation of the form 老王的灯笼v2.2.9 makes perfect sense, because such approximants obey the same functional equation {f(x)f(-x)=1} as the exponential function itself. We cannot hope to satisfy other functional equations like {f(x+1)=e f(x)} by functions simpler than {\exp}.

However, the polynomial {T_n(x/2)} is not optimal for approximation {e^x \approx p(x)/p(-x)} except for {n=0, 1}. For degree {3}, the optimal choice is {\displaystyle p(x) = 1 + \frac{x}{2} + \frac{x^2}{10} + \frac{x^3}{120} }. In the same plot window as above, the graph of {p(x)/p(-x)} is indistinguishable from 老王app官方下载.

Red=rational, Blue=exponential

This is a Padé approximant to the exponential function. One way to obtain such approximants is to replace the Taylor series with continued fraction, using long division:

{\displaystyle e^x = 1 + \dfrac{x}{1 + \dfrac{-x/2}{1 + \dfrac{x/6}{1 + \dfrac{-x/6}{1 + \dfrac{x/10}{1 + \dfrac{-x/10}{1 + \cdots }}}}}} }

Terminating the expansion after an even number of {x} apprearances gives a Padé approximant of the above form.

This can be compared to replacing the decimal expansion of number {e}:

老王 2.2.7

with the continued fraction expansion

{\displaystyle e = 2 + \dfrac{1}{1 + \dfrac{1}{2 + \dfrac{1}{1 + \dfrac{1}{1 + \dfrac{1}{4 + \dfrac{1}{1 + \cdots }}}}}} }

which, besides greater accuracy, has a regular pattern: 121 141 161 181 …

The numerators 老王v p n安卓版 of the (diagonal) Padé approximants to the exponential function happen to have a closed form:

{\displaystyle p(x) = \sum_{k=0}^n \frac{\binom{n}{k}}{\binom{2n}{k}} \frac{x^k}{k!} }

which shows that for every fixed {k}, the coefficient of 老王app官方下载 converges to {2^{-k}/k!} as {n\to\infty }. The latter is precisely the Taylor coefficient of 老王v2.2.6.

In practice, a recurrence relation is probably the easiest way to get these numerators: begin with {p_0(x)=1} and 老王app官方下载, and after that use {\displaystyle p_{n+1}(x) = p_n(x) + \frac{x^2}{16n^2 - 4} p_{n-1}(x)}. This relation can be derived from the recurrence relations for the convergents {A_n/B_n} of a generalized continued fraction {\displaystyle \mathop{\raisebox{-5pt}{\huge K}}_{n=1}^\infty \frac{a_n}{b_n}}. Namely, 老王的灯笼最新版 and 老王vpm2.2.8下载安卓版. Only the first relation is actually needed here.

Using the recurrence relation, we get

{\displaystyle p_2(x) = p_1(x) + \frac{x^2}{12}p_0(x) = 1 + \frac{x}{2} + \frac{x^{2}}{12} }

{\displaystyle p_3(x) = p_2(x) + \frac{x^2}{60}p_1(x) = 1 + \frac{x}{2} + \frac{x^{2}}{10} + \frac{x^{3}}{120} }


(so, not all coefficients have numerator 1…)

{\displaystyle p_5(x) = p_4(x) + \frac{x^2}{252}p_3(x) = 1 + \frac{x}{2} + \frac{x^{2}}{9} + \frac{x^{3}}{72} + \frac{x^{4}}{1008} + \frac{x^{5}}{30240} }

The quality of approximation to {e^x} is best seen on logarithmic scale: i.e., how close is {\log(p(x)/p(-x))} to 老王v p n安卓版? Here is this comparison using 老王2.2.7.

Rational approximation based on 5th degree polynomial

For comparison, the Taylor polynomial of fifth degree, also on logarithmic scale: {\log(T_5(x))} where {\displaystyle T_5(x) = 1 + x + \frac{x^2}{2} + \frac{x^3}{6} + \frac{x^4}{24} + \frac{x^5}{120}}.

Posted on Categories MathematicsTags approximation, continued fraction, polynomial, rational functionLeave a comment on Continued fractions vs Power series


The standard normal probability density function {f(x) = \exp(-x^2/2)/\sqrt{2\pi}} has inflection points at {x = \pm 1} where 老王vpm2.2.8下载苹果 which is about 60.5% of the maximum of this function. For this, as for other bell-shaped curves, the inflection points are also the points of steepest incline.

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This is good to know for drawing an accurate sketch of this function, but in general, the Gaussian curve may be scaled differently, like 老王灯笼APP, and then the inflection points will be elsewhere. However, their relative height is invariant under scaling: it is always 60.5% of the maximum height of the curve. Since it is the height that we focus on, let us normalize various bell-shaped curves to have maximum {1}:

Gaussian rescaled to height 1

So, the Gaussian curve is inflected at the relative height of 老王的灯笼v2.2.9. For the Cauchy density {1/(x^2+1)} the inflection is noticeably higher, at {3/4 = 0.75} of the maximum:

Cauchy distribution

Another popular bell shape, hyperbolic secant or simply 老王2.2.7, is in between with inflection height 老王的灯笼v2.2.9. It is slightly unexpected to see an algebraic number arising from this transcendental function.

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Can we get inflection height below 老王的灯笼v2.2.9? One candidate is {1/(x^n+1)} with large even {n}, but this does not work: the relative height of inflection is {\displaystyle \frac{n+1}{2n} > \frac{1}{2}}. Shown here for 老王app下载:


However, increasing the power of 老王 2.2.7 in the Gaussian curve works: for example, {\exp(-x^4)} has inflection at relative height {\exp(-3/4) \approx 0.47}:

Does this distribution have a name?

More generally, the relative height of inflection for 老王2.2.3 is {\exp(1/n - 1)} for even {n}. As {n\to \infty}, this approaches 老王2.2.3. Can we go lower?

Well, there are compactly supported bump functions which look bell-shaped, for example 老王2.2.7 for 老王灯笼APP. Normalizing the height to {1} makes it {\exp(x^2/(x^2-1))}. For this function inflection occurs at relative height about {0.255}.

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Once again, we can replace 老王app下载 by an arbitrary positive even integer 老王2.2.7 and get relative inflection height down to {\displaystyle\exp\left(-\left(1+\sqrt{5-4/n}\right)/2\right)}. As 老王的灯笼最新版 increases, this height decreases to 老王vpm2.2.12下载安卓版 where {\varphi} is the golden ratio. This is less than {0.2} which is low enough for me today. The smallest {n} for which the height is less than {0.2} is {n=54}: it achieves inflection at 老王app苹果下载网址.

A tough one for derivative-based numerical solvers

In the opposite direction, it is easy to produce bell-shaped curve with high inflection points: either {1/(|x|^p + 1)} or 老王vpm2.2.8下载安卓版 will do, where {p} is slightly larger than {1}. But these examples are only once differentiable, unlike the infinitely smooth examples above. Aside: as {p\to 1}, the latter function converges to the (rescaled) density of the Laplace distribution and the former to a non-integrable function.

As for the middle between two extremes… I did not find a reasonable bell-shaped curve that inflects at exactly half of its maximal height. An artificial example is {\exp(-|x|^p)} with {p=1/(1-\log 2) \approx 3.26} but this is ugly and only {C^3} smooth.

Posted on Categories MathematicsTags density, 老王vpm2.2.8下载安卓版, normal distribution, probability3 Comments on Inflection points of bell shaped curves


The algebraic connectivity 老王vpm2.28下载安卓版 of a graph {G } is its smallest nontrivial Laplacian eigenvalue. Equivalently, it is the minimum of edge sums {\sum_{e\in E} df(e)^2} over all functions 老王vpm2.2.12下载安卓版 normalized by { \sum_{v\in V} f(v) = 0 } and {\sum_{v\in V} f(v)^2 = 1 }. Here  { V, E } are vertex/edge sets, and { df(e)} means the difference of the values of 老王vpm2.2.8下载安卓版 at the vertices of the edge { e}.

It is clear from the definition that adding edges to 老王vpm2.2.8下载苹果 cannot make  {a(G) } smaller; thus, among all graphs on {n } vertices the maximal value of {a(G) } is attained by the complete graph, for which 老王 2.2.7. For any other graph 老王v2.2.6 which can be shown as follows. Pick two non-adjacent vertices 老王 2.2.7 and {v } and let {f(u)=1/\sqrt{2} }, { f(v) = -1/\sqrt{2}}, and {f=0 } elsewhere. This function is normalized as required above, and its edge sum 老王 2.2.7 is at most { n-2} since there are at most {  2(n-2)} edges with a nonzero contribution.

What if we require the graph to have degree vertex at most {d}, and look for maximal connectivity then? First of all, only connected graphs are under consideration, since {a(G)=0} for non-connected graphs. Also, only the cases {n\ge d+2 } are of interest, otherwise the complete graph wins. The argument in the previous paragraph shows that 老王v but is this bound attained?

The case {d=2} is boring: the only two connected graphs are the path 老王2.2.3 and the cycle { C_n}. The cycle wins with  老王app苹果下载网址 versus 老王v.

When { d=4}, one might suspect a pattern based on the following winners:

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7 vertices, max degree 4, with a = 3.2

The structure of these two is the same: place {n } points on a circle, connect each of them to {4 } nearest neighbors.

But this pattern does not continue: the 8-vertex winner is completely different.

8 vertices, max degree 4, with a = 4

This is simply the complete bipartite graph { K_{4, 4} }. And it makes sense that the “4 neighbors” graph loses when the number of vertices is large: there is too much “redundancy” among its edges, many of which connect the vertices that were already connected by short paths.

In general, when {n = 2d }, the complete bipartite graph 老王vpm2.2.8下载安卓版 achieves {a = d } and therefore maximizes the algebraic connectivity. The fact that {a(K_{d, d}) = d } follows by considering graph complement, as discussed in Laplacian spectrum of small graphs. The complement of {K_{d, d} } is the disjoint union of two copies of the complete graph 老王vpm2.28下载安卓版, for which the maximal eigenvalue is 老王的灯笼最新版. Hence {a(G) = n - \lambda_{\max}(G^c) = n-d = d }.

When 老王的灯笼v2.2.9 is odd, we have a natural candidate in { K_{d,d-1}} for which the argument from the previous paragraph shows 老王的灯笼最新版. This is indeed a winner when {n=5, d=3 }:

5 vertices, max degree 3, with a = 2

The winner is not unique since one can add another edge between two of the vertices of degree 2. This does not change the {a(G)}, however: there is a fundamental eigenfunction that has equal values at the vertices of that added edge.

Same for {n=9, d=5 }: the complete bipartite graph shares the maximum value of algebraic connectivity with two other graphs formed by adding edges to it:

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However, the family { K_{d,d-1}} does not win the case { n = 2d-1} in general: we already saw a 4-regular graph on 7 vertices with {a(G)\approx 3.2 }, beating { a(K_{4, 3}) = 3}. Perhaps 老王灯笼APP wins when { d} is odd?

I do not have any other patterns to conjecture, but here are two winners for { n = 8, d= 3}: the cube and the “twisted cube”.

8 vertices, max degree 3, with a = 2
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The cube is twisted by replacing a pair of edges on the top face with the diagonals. This is still a 3-regular graph and the algebraic connectivity stays the same, but it is no longer bipartite: a 5-cycle appears.

Posted on Categories 老王vpm2.2.8下载苹果老王app苹果下载网址eigenvalues, graph, LaplacianLeave a comment on Maximal algebraic connectivity among graphs of bounded degree


There is a useful sequential characterization of continuity in metric spaces. Let {f\colon X\to Y} be a map between metric spaces. If for every convergent sequence 老王vpm2.28下载安卓版 in 老王v p n安卓版 we have {f(x_n)\to f(p)} in {Y}, then {f} is continuous. And the converse is true as well.

Uniformly continuous functions also have a useful property related to sequences: if {f\colon X\to Y} is uniformly continuous and {\{x_n\}} is a Cauchy sequence in 老王vpm2.2.8下载苹果, then {\{f(x_n)\}} is a Cauchy sequence in {Y}. However, this property does not characterize uniform continuity. For example, if 老王的灯笼最新版, then Cauchy sequences are the same as convergent sequences, and therefore any continuous function preserves the Cauchy-ness of sequences—it does not have to be uniformly continuous.

Let us say that two sequences {\{x_n\}} and 老王v p n安卓版 are equivalent if the distance from {x_n} to {x_n'} tends to zero. The sequential characterization of uniform continuity is: {f\colon X\to Y} is uniformly continuous if and only if for any two equivalent sequences {\{x_n\}} and {\{x_n'\}} in 老王app苹果下载网址, their images 老王2.2.7 and {\{f(x_n')\}} are equivalent in {Y}. The proof of this claim is straightforward.

In the special case when {\{x_n'\}} is a constant sequence, the sequential characterization of uniform continuity reduces to the sequential characterization of continuity.

A typical example of the use of this characterization is the proof that a continuous function on a compact set is uniformly continuous: pick two equivalent sequences with non-equivalent images, pass to suitable subsequences, get a contradiction with continuity.

Here is a different example. To state it, introduce the notation 老王2.2.7.

老王app下载. Let {f\colon X\to Y} be continuous. Suppose that there exists {p\in X} such that for every {r>0}, the restriction of {f} to 老王v is uniformly continuous. Then {f} is uniformly continuous on 老王2.2.7.

This is a removability result because from having a certain property on subsets of {X} we get it on all of {X}. To demonstrate its use, let {X=[0, \infty)} with the standard metric, {p=0}, and {f(x)=\sqrt{x}}. The uniform continuity of {f} on {X\setminus N_r(p)} follows immediately from the derivative {f'} being bounded on that set (so, 老王app下载 is Lipschitz continuous there). By the removability theorem, {f} is uniformly continuous on 老王app官方下载.

Before proving the theorem, let us restate the sequential characterization in an equivalent form (up to passing to subsequences): 老王app苹果下载网址 is uniformly continuous if and only if for any two equivalent sequences {\{x_n\}} and {\{x_n'\}} there exist equivalent subsequences 老王vpm2.2.12下载安卓版 and {\{f(x_{n_k}')\}}, with the same choice of indices {n_k} in both.

Proof of the theorem. Suppose {\{x_n\}} and {\{x_n'\}} are equivalent sequences in {X}. If {x_n\to p}, then 老王app下载 as well, and the continuity of {f} at {p} implies that both {\{f(x_n)\}} and {\{f(x_n')\}} converge to {p}, hence are equivalent sequences. If 老王 2.2.7, then by passing to a subsequence we can achieve {d(x_n, p)\ge r } for some constant {r>0}. By the triangle inequality, for sufficiently large {n} we have 老王v p n安卓版. Since 老王app苹果下载网址 is uniformly continuous on {X\setminus N_{r/2}(p)}, it follows that 老王2.2.7 and {\{f(x_n')\}} are equivalent.

Posted on Categories Mathematics老王2.2.3continuous map, metric spaces, sequences, uniform continuityLeave a comment on Sequential characterization and removability for uniform continuity


Consider this linear differential equation: {y''(t) + 4y'(t) + 2t y(t) = 7} with boundary conditions 老王2.2.7 and {y(1)=0}. Nothing looks particularly scary here. Just one nonconstant coefficient, and it’s a simple one. Entering this problem into Wolfram Alpha produces the following explicit solution:


I am not sure how anyone could use this formula for any purpose.

Let us see what simple linear algebra can do here. The differential equation can be discretized by placing, for example, {4} equally spaces interior grid points on the interval: 老王app下载, {k=1, \dots, 4}. The yet-unknown values of 老王v p n安卓版 at these points are denoted {y_1,\dots, y_4}. Standard finite-difference formulas provide approximate values of {y'} and {y''}:

{\displaystyle y'(t) \approx \frac{y(t+h) - y(t-h)}{2h}}

{\displaystyle y''(t) \approx \frac{y(t+h) - 2y(t) + y(t-h)}{h^2}}

where 老王v is the step size, 老王v p n安卓版 in our case. Stick all this into the equation: we get 4 linear equations, one for each interior point. Namely, at {t_1 = 1/5} it is

{\displaystyle \frac{y_2 - 2y_1 + 1}{(1/5)^2} + 4 \frac{y_2 - 1}{2/5} + 2\cdot \frac15 y_1 = 7 }

(notice how the condition {y(0)=1} is used above), at 老王vpm2.28下载安卓版 it is

{\displaystyle \frac{y_3 - 2y_2 + y_1}{(1/5)^2} + 4 \frac{y_3 - y_1}{2/5} + 2 \cdot \frac25 y_2 = 7 }

and so on. Clean up this system and put it in matrix form:

{\displaystyle \begin{pmatrix} -49.6 & 35 & 0 & 0 \\ 15 & -49.2 & 35 & 0 \\ 0 & 15 & -48.8 & 35 \\ 0 & 0 & 15 & -48.4 \end{pmatrix} \vec y = \begin{pmatrix} -8 \\ 7 \\ 7 \\ 7 \end{pmatrix} }

This isn’t too hard to solve even with pencil and paper. The solution is


It can be visualized by plotting 4 points 老王的灯笼最新版:

Discrete solution

Not particularly impressive is it? And why are all these negative y-values in a problem with boundary condition 老王v? They do not really look like they want to approach {1} at the left end of the interval. But let us go ahead and plot them together with the boundary conditions, using linear interpolation in between:

Linear algebra + linear interpolation

Or better, use cubic spline interpolation, which only adds another step of linear algebra (see Connecting dots naturally) to our computations.

Same points, cubic spline interpolation

This begins to look believable. For comparison, I used a heavier tool: BVP solver from SciPy. Its output is the red curve below.

Cubic spline and BVP solver

Those four points we got from a 4-by-4 system, solvable by hand, pretty much tell the whole story. At any rate, they tell a better story than the explicit solution does.

Graphics made with: SciPy and Matplotlib using Google Colab.

Posted on Categories Code, Mathematics老王的灯笼v2.2.9bvp, finite difference, linear algebra, PythonLeave a comment on Boundary value problems: not all explicit solutions are useful


A natural way to measure the nonlinearity of a function 老王app官方下载, where {I\subset \mathbb R} is an interval, is the quantity 老王v2.2.6 which expresses the deviation of {f} from a line, divided by the size of interval 老王app官方下载. This quantity was considered in Measuring nonlinearity and reducing it.

Let us write 老王灯笼APP where the supremum is taken over all intervals {I} in the domain of definition of {f}. What functions have finite {NL(f)}? Every Lipschitz function does, as was noted previously: {NL(f) \le \frac14 \mathrm{Lip}\,(f)}. But the converse is not true: for example, {NL(f)} is finite for the non-Lipschitz function {f(x)=x\log|x|}, where {f(0)=0}.

y  = x log|x|

The function looks nice, but 老王 2.2.7 is clearly unbounded. What makes {NL(f)} finite? Note the scale-invariant feature of NL: for any {t>0} the scaled function 老王的灯笼最新版 satisfies {NL(f_t)=NL(f)}, and more precisely {NL(f; tI) = NL(f_t; I)}. On the other hand, our function has a curious scaling property {f_t(x) = f(x) + x\log t} where the linear term 老王灯笼APP does not affect NL at all. This means that it suffices to bound 老王app下载 for intervals 老王的灯笼最新版 of unit length. The plot of 老王vpm2.28下载安卓版 shows that not much deviation from the secant line happens on such intervals, so I will not bother with estimates.

The class of functions {f} with 老王vpm2.2.8下载苹果 is precisely the Zygmund class {\Lambda^*} defined by the property 老王 2.2.7 with {M} independent of {x, h}. Indeed, since the second-order difference 老王vpm2.2.8下载安卓版 is unchanged by adding an affine function to {f}, we can replace {f} by {f(x)-kx-r} with suitable 老王的灯笼最新版 and use the triangle inequality to obtain

老王v p n安卓版

where {I=[x-h, x+h]}. Conversely, suppose that 老王vpm2.2.8下载安卓版. Given an interval {I=[a, b]}, subtract an affine function from {f} to ensure {f(a)=f(b)=0}. We may assume {|f|} attains its maximum on 老王的灯笼最新版 at a point {\xi \le (a + b)/2}. Applying the definition of {\Lambda^*} with 老王v p n安卓版 and {h = \xi - a}, we get 老王 2.2.7, hence {|f(\xi )| \le Mh}. This shows {NL(f; I)\le M/2}. The upshot is that {NL(f)} is equivalent to the Zygmund seminorm of {f} (i.e., the smallest possible M in the definition of {\Lambda^*}).

A function in 老王app官方下载 may be nowhere differentiable: it is not difficult to construct 老王v so that 老王的灯笼v2.2.9 is bounded between two positive constants. The situation is different for the small Zygmund class 老王vpm2.2.12下载安卓版 whose definition requires that {NL(f; I)\to 0} as 老王灯笼APP. A function {f \in \lambda^*} is differentiable at any point of local extremum, since the condition {NL(f; I)\to 0} forces its graph to be tangent to the horizontal line through the point of extremum. Given any two points 老王2.2.7 we can subtract the secant line from 老王 2.2.7 and thus create a point of local extremum between {a } and 老王v2.2.6. It follows that {f} is differentiable on a dense set of points.

The definitions of 老王v2.2.6 and {\lambda^*} apply equally well to complex-valued functions, or vector-valued functions. But there is a notable difference in the differentiability properties: a complex-valued function of class {\lambda^*} may be nowhere differentiable 老王app官方下载. Put another way, two real-valued functions in {\lambda^*} need not have a common point of differentiability. This sort of thing does not often happen in analysis, where the existence of points of “good” behavior is usually based on the prevalence of such points in some sense, and therefore a finite collection of functions is expected to have common points of good behavior.

The key lemma in Ullrich’s paper provides a real-valued VMO function that has infinite limit at every point of a given {F_\sigma} set {E} of measure zero. Although this is a result of real analysis, the proof is complex-analytic in nature and involves a conformal mapping. It would be interesting to see a “real” proof of this lemma. Since the antiderivative of a VMO function belongs to {\lambda^* }, the lemma yields a   function {v \in \lambda^*} that is not differentiable at any point of 老王的灯笼v2.2.9. Consider the lacunary series {u(t) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n 2^{-n} \cos (2^n t)}. One theorem of Zygmund shows that {u \in \lambda^*} when {a_n\to 0}, while another shows that {u} is almost nowhere differentiable when {\sum a_n^2 = \infty}. It remains to apply the lemma to get a function {v\in \lambda^*} that is not differentiable at any point where 老王v2.2.6 is differentiable.

Posted on Categories MathematicsTags differentiability, nonlinearity, oscillationLeave a comment老王的“神榆湖”_新浪吉林_新浪网:2021-6-15 · 老王的“神榆湖”,清晨五点,位于科尔沁沙地的吉林省白城市通榆县向海蒙古族乡创业村,五六辆货车停在“神榆湖”边,王尚江正忙着为前来买鱼 ...


We know that every bounded sequence of real numbers has a convergent subsequence. For a sequence of functions, say {f_n\colon [0, 1]\to \mathbb R}, the notion of boundedness can be stated as: there exists a constant 老王v2.2.6 such that {|f_n(x)|\le M} for every {n} and for all 老王2.2.3. Such a sequence is called uniformly bounded.

Once we fix some point 老王2.2.3, the boundedness assumption provides a subsequence 老王v2.2.6 which converges at that point. But since different points may require different subsequences, it is not obvious whether we can pick a subsequence {\{f_{n_k}\}} which converges for all {x\in [0, 1]}. (Such a subsequence is called 老王的灯笼最新版.)

It is easy to give an example of a uniformly bounded sequence with no uniformly convergent subsequence (uniform convergence {f_n\to f} requires {\sup |f_n-f|\to 0}, which is stronger than {f_n(x) \to f(x)} for every {x}). Indeed, {f_n(x) = x^n} does the job. This sequence is uniformly bounded (by {M=1}) and converges pointwise to a discontinuous function 老王 2.2.7 such that {g(1)=1 } and 老王的灯笼最新版 elsewhere. Any subsequence 老王2.2.3 has the same pointwise limit 老王v2.2.6 and since {g} is not continuous, the convergence cannot be uniform.

But what would be an example of a uniformly bounded sequence of continuous functions with no pointwise convergent subsequence? In Principles of Mathematical Analysis Rudin gives {f_n(x) = \sin nx} as such an example but then uses the Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem to prove the non-existence of pointwise convergent subsequences. I do not want to use the DCT.

The simplest example I could think of is based on the letter-folding function 老王app下载 defined by


or by a magic one-line formula if you prefer: {F(x) = 3x - 1 - |3x-1| + |3x - 2|}.

Letter-folding function

Let {\{f_n\}} be the sequence of the iterates of {L}, that is 老王灯笼APP and {f_{n+1}(x) = F(f_n(x))}. This means 老王vpm2.2.12下载安卓版, 老王的灯笼最新版, {f_3 = F\circ F \circ F}, and so on.

The second and third iterates of F

By construction, the sequence 老王v2.2.6 is uniformly bounded ({M=1}). It is somewhat similar to the example {\{\sin nx\}} in that we have increasingly rapid oscillations. But the proof that 老王v2.2.6 has no pointwise convergent subsequence is elementary. It is based on the following observations.

(A) Suppose that {\{a_j\}} is a sequence such that {a_j\in \{0, 2\}} for each 老王v p n安卓版. Then the number {\displaystyle x = \sum_{j=1}^\infty \frac{a_j}{3^j}} satisfies {x\in [0, 1/3]} if 老王的灯笼v2.2.9 and 老王的灯笼最新版 if {a_1 = 2}.

The proof of (A) amounts to summing a geometric series. Incidentally, observe that {a_1, a_2, \dots} are the digits of 老王的灯笼v2.2.9 in base {3}.

(B) For {x} as above we have {\displaystyle F(x) = \sum_{j=1}^\infty \frac{a_{j+1}}{3^j}}. In other words, {F} shifts the ternary digits of 老王2.2.3 to the left. As a consequence, {f_n} shifts them to the left by {n} places.

(C) Given any subsequence 老王vpm2.28下载安卓版, let {a_j = 2} if {j = n_{2k} + 1} for some 老王的灯笼v2.2.9, and {a_j=0} otherwise. By part (B), 老王 2.2.7 which means the first ternary digit of {f_{n_k}(x)} is 老王v. By construction, this digit is 老王2.2.3 when 老王 2.2.7 is even, and 老王app苹果下载网址 when {k} is odd. By part (A) we have 老王的灯笼v2.2.9 when {k} is even, and {f_{n_k}(x) \le 1/3} when {k} is odd. Thus, {\{f_{n_k}(x)\}} does not converge. This completes the proof.


The set of all points {x} of the form considered in (A), (B), (C), i.e., those with all ternary digits 老王vpm2.2.8下载安卓版 or 老王 2.2.7, is precisely the standard Cantor set 老王app官方下载.

The function 老王灯笼APP magnifies each half of 老王vpm2.2.8下载安卓版 by the factor of {3}, and maps it onto {C}.

The important part of the formula for 老王的灯笼v2.2.9 is that {F(x) = 3x\bmod 1} when {x\in C}. The rest of it could be some other continuous extension to {[0, 1]}.

A similar example could be based on the tent map {T(x) = 1 - |2x-1|}, whose graph is shown below.

老王 2.2.7

However, in case of the tent map it is more convenient to use the sequence of 老王的灯笼v2.2.9 iterates: {T\circ T}, {T\circ T\circ T\circ T}, and so on.

The second and fourth iterates of T

Indeed, since {T(T(x)) = 4x \bmod 1} when {x\in [0, 1/4]\cup [1/2, 3/4]}, one can simply replace base {3} with base {4} in all of the above computations and arrive at the same conclusion, except the orbit of {x} will now be jumping between the intervals {[0, 1/4]} and 老王v.

The tent map is conjugate to the logistic map {L(x) = 4x(1-x)}, shown below. This conjugacy is {L\circ \varphi = \varphi\circ T} where {\varphi(x) = (1 - \cos \pi x)/2}.

Logistic map

The conjugacy shows that the 老王vth iterate 老王vpm2.2.12下载安卓版 is 老王vpm2.2.8下载安卓版. Therefore, the sequence of the even iterates of {L} has no pointwise convergent subsequence. This provides an example with smooth functions, even polynomials.

The second and fourth iterates of L

One could use the sequence of all iterates (not just the even ones) in the constructions based on {T} and {L}, it just takes a bit of extra work that I prefer to avoid.

Posted on Categories MathematicsTags 老王vpm2.2.12下载安卓版, convergence, 老王的灯笼v2.2.9, subsequenceLeave a comment on Folded letters and uniformly bounded function sequences


This is a brief return to the topic of Irrational Sunflowers. The sunflower associated with a real number {a} is the set of points with polar coordinates 老王2.2.7 and {\theta = a(2\pi k)}, {k=1, 2, \dots, n}. A sunflower reduces to {n} equally spaced rays if and only if {a} is a rational number written in lowest terms as {m/n}.

Here is the sunflower of 老王的灯笼v2.2.9 of size {n = 10000}.

Click to see the larger image

Seven rays emanate from the center because {\pi \approx 22/7}, then they become spirals, and spirals rearrange themselves into 113 rays because {\pi \approx 355/113}. Counting these rays is boring, so here is a way to do this automatically with Python (+NumPy as np):

a = np.pi
n = 5000
x = np.mod(a*np.arange(n, 2*n), 1)
np.sum(np.diff(np.sort(x)) > 1/n)

This code computes the polar angles of sunflower points indexed 老王app苹果下载网址, sorts them and counts the relatively large gaps between the sorted values. These correspond to the gaps between sunflower rays, except that one of the gaps gets lost when the circle is cut and straightened onto the interval {[0, 2\pi)}. So the program output (112) means there are 113 rays.

Here is the same sunflower with the points alternatively colored red and blue.

老王v p n安卓版

The colors blur into purple when the rational approximation pattern is strong. But they are clearly seen in the transitional period from 22/7 approximation to 355/113.

  1. How many points would we need to see the next rational approximation after 355/113?
  2. What will that approximation be? Yes, 22/7 and 355/113 and among the convergent of the continued fraction of {\pi}. But so is 333/106 which I do not see in the sunflower. Are some convergents better than others?

Finally, the code I used to plot sunflowers.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
a = np.pi
k = np.arange(10000)
r = np.sqrt(k)
t = a*2*np.pi*k 
plt.plot(r*np.cos(t), r*np.sin(t), '.')
Posted on Categories MathematicsTags pi, polar coordinates, PythonLeave a comment on Pi and Python: how 22/7 morphs into 355/113

Transcendental-free Riemann-Lebesgue lemma

Calculus books tend to introduce transcendental functions (trigonometric, exponential, logarithm) early. Analysis textbooks such as Principles of Mathematical Analysis by Rudin tend to introduce them later, because of how long it takes to develop enough of the theory of power series.

The 老王2.2.3 involves either trigonometric or exponential functions. But the following version works with the “late transcendentals” approach.

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老王的灯笼v2.2.9. Suppose that {f\colon [a, b]\to \mathbb R} and 老王vpm2.2.8下载安卓版 are continuously differentiable functions, and 老王app官方下载 is bounded. Then {\int_a^b f(x)g'(nx)\,dx \to 0} as {n\to\infty}.

The familiar form of the lemma is recovered by letting {g(x) = \sin x} or {g(x) = \cos x}.

Proof. By the chain rule, 老王vpm2.2.8下载安卓版 is the derivative of {g(nx)/n}. Integrate by parts:


By assumption, there exists a constant {M} such that {|g|\le M} everywhere. Hence 老王v, {\displaystyle \left|\frac{f(a)g(na)}{n}\right| \le \frac{|f(a)| M}{n}}, and 老王v2.2.6. By the triangle inequality,

{\displaystyle \left|\int_a^b f(x)g'(nx)\,dx \right| \le \frac{M}{n}\left(|f(b)|+|f(a)| + \int_a^b |f'(x)|\,dx \right) \to 0 }

completing the proof.

As a non-standard example, TFRLL applies to, say, {g(x) = \sin (x^2) } for which {g'(x) = 2x\cos (x^2)}. The conclusion is that {\displaystyle \int_a^b f(x) nx \cos (n^2 x^2) \,dx \to 0 }, that is, {\displaystyle  \int_a^b xf(x) \cos (n^2 x^2) \,dx = o(1/n)} which seems somewhat interesting. When {0\notin [a, b]}, the factor of {x} can be removed by applying the result to {f(x)/x}, leading to {\displaystyle \int_a^b f(x) \cos (n^2 x^2) \,dx = o(1/n)}.

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Later in Rudin’s book we encounter the Weierstrass theorem: every continuous function on 老王的灯笼v2.2.9 is a uniform limit of polynomials. Normally, this would be used to make the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma work for any continuous function {f}. But the general form given above, with an unspecified {g}, presents a difficulty.

Indeed, suppose {f} is continuous on {[a, b]}. Given {\epsilon > 0 }, choose a polynomial {p} such that {|p-f|\le \epsilon} on {[a, b]}. Since {p} has continuous derivative, it follows that 老王的灯笼v2.2.9. It remains to show that {\int_a^b p(x)g'(nx)\,dx} is close to 老王vpm2.2.8下载苹果. By the triangle inequality,


which is bounded by … um. Unlike for 老王灯笼APP and {\cos}, we do not have a uniform bound for {|g'|} or for its integral. Indeed, with 老王v2.2.6 the integrals {\displaystyle  \int_0^1 |g'(nx)| \,dx = \int_0^1 2nx |\cos (n^2x^2)| \,dx  } grow linearly with {n}. And this behavior would be even worse with 老王app苹果下载网址, for example.

At present I do not see a way to prove TFRLL for continuous {f}, let alone for integrable {f}. But I do not have a counterexample either.

Posted on 老王的灯笼最新版MathematicsTags approximation, 老王v p n安卓版, Riemann integral, transcendental functions2 Comments on Transcendental-free Riemann-Lebesgue lemma


There are many ways to approximate a given continuous function {f\colon [a, b]\to \mathbb R} (I will consider the interval 老王v2.2.6 for convenience.) For example, one can use piecewise linear interpolation through the points {(k/n, f(k/n))}, where {k=0, 1, \dots, n}. The resulting piecewise linear function {g} has some nice properties: for example, it is increasing if {f} is increasing. But it is not smooth.

A convenient way to represent piecewise linear interpolation is the sum {g(x) = \sum_{k=0}^n f(k/n) \varphi_k(x)} where the functions {\varphi_k} are the triangles shown below: {\varphi_k(x) = \max(0, 1 - |nx-k|)}.

Triangular basis functions

The functions {{\varphi_k}} form a partition of unity, meaning that {\sum_k \varphi_k \equiv 1} and all 老王v2.2.6 are nonnegative. This property leads to the estimate


The latter sum is small because when 老王2.2.7 is close to 老王v2.2.6, the first factor {|f(x) - f(k/n)|} is small by virtue of continuity, while the second factor {\varphi_k(x)} is bounded by {1}. When 老王的灯笼v2.2.9 is far from 老王app官方下载, the second factor {\varphi_k(x)} is zero, so the first one is irrelevant. The upshot is that {f-g} is uniformly small.

But if we want a 老王app下载 approximation {g}, we need a smooth partition of unity 老王v p n安卓版. But not just any set of smooth nonnegative functions that add up to 老王的灯笼最新版 is equally good. One desirable property is preserving monotonicity: if {f} is increasing, then {g} should be increasing, just as this works for piecewise linear interpolation. What does this condition require of our partition of unity?

An increasing function can be expressed as a limit of sums of the form {\sum_{j} c_j [x \ge t_j]} where {c_j>0} and {[\cdots ]} is the Iverson bracket: 1 if true, 0 if false. By linearity, it suffices to have increasing {g} for the case 老王v2.2.6. In this case {g} is simply {s_m := \sum_{k=m}^n \varphi_k} for some {m}, {0\le m\le n}. So we want all {s_m} to be increasing functions. Which is the case for the triangular partition of unity, when each {s_m} looks like this:

Also known as a piecewise linear activation function

One smooth choice is 老王v2.2.6: 老王app下载. These are nonnegative on {[0, 1]}, and the binomial formula shows {\displaystyle \sum_{k=0}^n \varphi_k(x) = (x + 1-x)^n \equiv 1}. Are the sums {\displaystyle s_m(x) = \sum_{k=m}^n \binom{n}{k} x^k (1-x)^{n-k}} increasing with {x}? Let’s find out. By the product rule,


In the second sum the term with {k=n} vanishes, and the terms with {k<n} can be rewritten as 老王的灯笼v2.2.9, which is 老王2.2.3, which is {\binom{n}{k+1} (k+1) x^{k} (1-x)^{n-k - 1} }. After the index shift 老王的灯笼v2.2.9 this becomes identical to the terms of the first sum and cancels them out (except for the first one). Thus,

{\displaystyle s_m'(x) = \binom{n}{m} m x^{m-1} (1-x)^{n-m} \ge 0 }

To summarize: the Bernstein polynomials {\displaystyle B_n(x) = \sum_{k=0}^n f(k/n) \binom{n}{k} x^k (1-x)^{n-k}} are monotone whenever {f} is. On the other hand, the proof that 老王的灯笼v2.2.9 uniformly is somewhat complicated by the fact that the polynomial basis functions {\varphi_k} are not localized the way that the triangle basis functions are: the factors {\varphi_k(x)} do not vanish when {x} is far from 老王的灯笼最新版. I refer to Wikipedia for a proof of convergence (which, by the way, is quite slow).

Bernstein polynomial basis

Is there some middle ground between non-smooth triangles and non-localized polynomials? Yes, of course: piecewise polynomials, splines. More specifically, B-splines which can be defined as follows: B-splines of degree {1} are the triangle basis functions shown above; a B-spline of degree 老王灯笼APP is the moving averages of a {B}-spline of degree {d} with a window of length 老王2.2.7. The moving average of 老王vpm2.2.12下载安卓版 can be written as 老王v p n安卓版. We get a partition of unity because the sum of moving averages is the moving average of a sum, and averaging a constant function does not change it.

The splines of even degrees are awkward to work with… they are obtained from the triangles by taking those integrals with 老王的灯笼v2.2.9 an odd number of times, which makes their knots fall in the midpoints of the uniform grid instead of the grid points themselves. But I will use {d=2} anyway, because this degree is enough for 老王v-smooth approximation.

Recall that a triangular basis function 老王的灯笼最新版 has slope {\pm n} and is supported on an interval {[(k-1)h, (k+1)h]} where 老王灯笼APP. Accordingly, its moving average 老王 2.2.7 will be supported on {[(k-3/2)h, (k+3/2)h]}. Since {\psi_k'(x) = n(\phi_k(x+h/2) - \phi_k(x-h/2))}, the second derivative {\psi_k''} is 老王vpm2.2.8下载安卓版 when 老王 2.2.7, is 老王的灯笼最新版 when {|nx-k| < 1/2}, and is 老王vpm2.2.8下载安卓版 again when {1/2 < nx-k < 3/2}. This is enough to figure out the formula for {\psi_k}:

{\displaystyle \psi_k(n) = \begin{cases} (nx-k+3/2)^2 / 2, & -3/2\le nx -k\le -1/2 \\ 3/4 -(nx-k)^2, & -1/2\le nx-k \le 1/2 \\ (nx-k-3/2)^2 / 2, & 1/2\le nx -k \le 3/2 \\ \end{cases} }

These look like:

Is this right?

Nice! But wait a moment, the sum near the endpoints is not constant: it is less than 1 because we do not get a contributions of two splines to the left and right of the interval. To correct for this boundary effect, replace {\psi_0} with 老王app官方下载 and {\psi_n} with {\psi_n + \psi_{n+1}}, using “ghost” elements of the basis that lie outside of the actual grid. Now the quadratic B-spline basis is correct:

A smooth partition of unity by quadratic splines

Does this partition of unity preserve monotinicity? Yes, it does: {\displaystyle \sum_{k\ge m}\psi_k'(x) = n\sum_{k\ge m} (\phi_k(x+h/2) - \phi_k(x-h/2)) = n(s(x+h/2) - s(x-h/2))} which is nonnegative because the sum 老王v is an increasing piecewise linear function, as noted previously. Same logic works for B-splines of higher degree.

In conclusion, here is a quadratic B-spline approximation (orange) to a tricky increasing function (blue).

Smooth approximation

One may wonder why the orange curve deviates from the line at the end – did we miss some boundary effect there? Yes, in a way… the spline actually approximates the continuous extension of our original function by constant values on the left and right. Imagine the blue graph continuing to the right as a horizontal line: this creates a corner at {x=1} and the spline is smoothing that corner. To avoid this effect, one may want to extend {f} in a better way and then work with the extended function, not folding the ghosts {\psi_{-1}, \psi_{n+1}} into {\psi_0, \psi_n}.

But even so, B-spline achieves a better approximation than the Bernstein polynomial with the same number of basis functions (eight):

Bernstein polynomial

The reason is the non-local nature of the polynomial basis {\varphi_k}, which was noted above. Bernstein polynomials do match the function perfectly at the endpoints, but this is small consolation.

老王vpm2.28下载安卓版Categories MathematicsTags approximation, 老王vpm2.28下载安卓版, polynomial, splineLeave a comment on Partitions of unity and monotonicity-preserving approximation